TFT Set 12 tables

Shop odds, bag sizes, XP
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 shop odds bag sizes XP cost level 10
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 shop odds bag sizes XP cost level 10
The Moon (Xerath charm) changed shop odds
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 shop odds for The Moon Xerath charm
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 shop odds for The Moon Xerath charm
Player Damage
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 player damage
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 player damage
Loot Subscription portal drops
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Loot Subscription portal drop table odds Tactician's Crown fon spatula
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Loot Subscription portal drop table odds Tactician's Crown fon spatula
Radiant Blessing portal drops
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Radiant Blessing portal drop table odds triple fon Tactician's Crown
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Radiant Blessing portal drop table odds triple fon Tactician's Crown
Loot orb contents — silver, blue, gold, prismatic
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 loot orb drop table silver blue gold prismatic contents
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 loot orb drop table silver blue gold prismatic contents
Carousel item odds
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 carousel item odds spatula pan
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 carousel item odds spatula pan



Fortune Favors the Bold cashouts
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Fortune augment drop table odds cashout sentinel swarm
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Fortune augment drop table odds cashout sentinel swarm
Spoils of War rewards
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Spoils of War augment drop table odds chest no tome
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Spoils of War augment drop table odds chest no tome
Trait Tracker all 7 unit boards without Emblems
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Trait Tracker augment boards comps
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Trait Tracker augment boards comps
An Upgraded Adventure cashouts
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Upgraded Adventure augment drop table odds reward cashout
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Upgraded Adventure augment drop table odds reward cashout
Missed Connections / Assembly orb layout
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Missed Connections orb layout 1 costs Assembly charm
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Missed Connections orb layout 1 costs Assembly charm
Missed Connections / Assembly orb layout (Tournament Realm)
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Missed Connections orb layout Tournament Realm
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Missed Connections orb layout Tournament Realm
A Golden Quest rewards
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Golden Quest reward legendary drop table
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Golden Quest reward legendary drop table
The Golden Egg cashouts
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Golden Egg cashout reward drop table odds
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Golden Egg cashout reward drop table odds
Call to Chaos reward
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Call to Chaos augment random reward drop table odds
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Call to Chaos augment random reward drop table odds


Sugarcraft stat gains and rewards
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Sugarcraft AD/AP gain cake layers reward treats cake buff
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Sugarcraft AD/AP gain cake layers reward treats cake buff
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Emblem recipes spatula frying pan Tactician's Crown Cape Shield
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 Emblem recipes spatula frying pan Tactician's Crown Cape Shield
Set 12 crowd control sources
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 crowd control sources stun fear knock back chill taunt cc
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 crowd control sources stun fear knock back chill taunt cc
The World (Xerath charm) orb layout
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 The World Xerath charm orb layout 4 costs
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 The World Xerath charm orb layout 4 costs
Set 12 shred, sunder, wound sources
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 utility shred sunder wound sources
Teamfight Tactics TFT Set 12 utility shred sunder wound sources